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Our Mission

This tiny T1 + his diabetic alert dog are the heart of this shop. Not only are the items made with love, but so are Myles + Murphy.  When you shop with us, you make a difference for our family and help us to give back to other families in need of a diabetic alert dog.

My dream is for this shop to do a few important things:
Raise money for the diabetic alert dog account we have set up for Myles. It is used for Murphy's current training(and all of his needs) to become a lifesaving alert dog, as well as to save for the next diabetic alert dog Myles will need.  Since these lifesaving dogs cost $20-30,000, it is vital to plan ahead for the next one Myles will need.

Allow for Myles to have his mama at home as his caregiver, while still contributing to the family finances. Most people don't realize how involved and life-altering T1D is, especially for a toddler. Myles needs his mama with him to constantly manage his care.  

Help us give back through Scent to Protect, a non-profit that awarded Myles a grant towards our diabetic alert dog.  

Bring more awareness to T1D by sharing our story.
Follow our very personal experience with T1D on MylesAboveT1D on Instagram and Myles Above T1D on Facebook.